I Am Worthy

A free 3-day series to activate your worth with Spiritual Mentor Christine Gutierrez

In this powerful 3 day-IG live series, you will be guided to remember the worthiness that lives in the chambers of your heart and soul.

 We will dive deep into the worthiness wounds that we have downloaded from the overculture, our own families, and then the unworthiness stories that have stuck in our own lives. Then we will love them up alchemize them, and reclaim a worthy story.

There is so much there to unpack around the word WORTHY. 

It's the reason why my next book, is called WORTHY, it will be published by Penguin Random House and all of these external things first came down to internal shifts that I had to make around believing I was worthy of… 

✧ Being seen 
✧ Being loved 
✧ Birthing my big dreams and voice to the world 
✧ Rest
✧ Pleasure
✧ Money for doing what I love
✧ A happy healthy family 
✧ Sobriety 
✧ and just feeling good...


  Are you feeling the call to activate your worthy woman? 

Join me for a 3-day live I AM WORTHY workshop training, for the DIOSA that knows she is worthy of it all. For the diosa that knows but maybe has forgotten that she need not do anything to be worthy but that she simply was BORN WORTHY. We start April 22nd.


This is about a remembering, a reclaiming, a recentering of our worthy woman as our north star to orient ourselves. 

This is our time to truly OWN our worth, live from our worth, and make choices from our WORTH. 

Our worthiness creates a beautiful life both internally and externally.

Our worthiness connects us to our DIOSA POWER.


Have you felt like there are dreams living in the chambers of your heart but you've felt too insecure or too unqualified or not good enough to actually live them? 

You're not alone and yet this way of living has to stop. Our good ancestors are rooting for us to take up space, to live well, to nurture ourselves, and to birth our dream life into reality. 



For 3 days you will receive training with Christine held on Instagram live @cosmicchristine


Day One - April 22nd at 12pm EST

UNPACKING THE UNWORTHINESS story. Once we can hear the voice of unworthiness and how it is hijacking our power and dreams, we will be able to not listen to it and instead listen to our worthy woman voice. 

Day Two - April 24th at 12pm EST

Here we will ACTIVATE THE VOICE of the worthy woman. We will be led through a powerful meditation activation for you to meet your worthy woman and to make decisions from her guidance. She will be your new soul guide. 

Day Three - April 26th at 12pm EST

Here we will SEAL ALL OF THE POWERFUL AND TRANSFORMATIONAL WORK we have done by getting into action with what the worthy woman within is guiding you to do. This is where you put a plan into action all guided by your WORTHY WOMAN self. We'll make a soul map for actionable changes in your life! 

You need not do anything to be worthy.
You were born Worthy. 


Culture shifter, licensed therapist, and author of I Am Diosa and Wisdom del Alma and the upcoming book Worthy published by Penguin Random House 

This is geared towards Latina women/women of color but is open to all women who feel the call. ✧