
Anne Markt.png

Anne Markt

“After our final call, the lyrics from “Brave” by Sara Bareilles came back to mind. ‘Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live/Maybe one of these days you can let the LIGHT IN/And show me how big you Brave is.’ She’s one of my favorites. We’ve gotta let the light in. Thank you Christine”



“No amount of words can express the gratitude I have from being a part of this amazing journey. I have rediscovered my passion as well as opened myself to the person that I was transforming into. I’ve learned that even though my fears and obstacles still occur, I’m not perfect but I’m progressing. I have loved every minute and every share!! Thank you all for the support!!”



“Christine is the intuitive healer, best friend and spiritual guru all rolled into one. She is fiercely authentic and helps you discover parts of yourself that you may have forgotten. You will laugh, cry and find a better understanding of the goddess within. If you looking for a guide along the journey of love and awareness- Christine is your girl!



 “I stumbled across Christine online at a time when I felt broken, confused and scared. She was sent my way, I know that now, and I am forever grateful the Universe placed her on my path of healing and growth. Her work saved me. I was longing for peace. Safety. But I was so tired. I could not stop this feeling of helplessness and I felt I was losing my sanity. I didn’t really know who I was anymore.

The sadness was overwhelming. It affected all areas of my life. I was not living anymore. I was existing, that’s all. Trying to navigate life carrying a pain so deep in my heart. Feeling the weight on my shoulders, too heavy for me to carry. I spiraled into depression. I was stuck, felt like a victim and the road to freedom seemed too long and daunting. I was so tired of being tired. All I wanted was to find back to me, find back to happiness and joy. To release the sadness and pain. I just didn’t know how to.

Christine took my hand and walked with me. On the path to freedom. To love. She lead me back home to myself. In a direct yet loving way, she helped me face reality, accept it, and take my first step towards healing. Together we discovered truth about my past that had lead me into abusive relationships. We discovered patterns and fundamental beliefs, that was still a huge part of me. She held space for me to feel what needed to be felt.

She reminded me of my truth. Connected me once more to my heart and soul. She guided me back to the most important thing of all; self love and acceptance. She taught me how to love every part of me and stop trying to be so god damn perfect! With Christine by my side I felt safe. She gave me courage and with her guidance I reclaimed my long lost power and light! Christine is fierce! Yet has the most loving and gentle soul there is. She is a prime example of divine feminine power. She is a goddess. A powerful healer. She hold so much wisdom and love. She is brilliant! So powerful! Anyone who gets to work with Christine, consider yourself lucky.

Christine brought me back to life. I am free because of her. And for that I am eternally grateful. She forever hold a special place in my heart. Christine; the world is a better place because of you. Thank you for being my teacher, mentor, soul sister and dear friend. I love you.”



“Christine’s practice has “saved” me. She’s like the perfect best friend that offers constructive criticism but also TONS of positive feedback. But unlike your average best friend, she helps you go deeper into yourself with practical tools that get you to tune into your inner guidance and intuition. Working with her has helped me identify all the blocks in my life that are or were preventing me from living in the moment and getting what I want. I can happily say I have had merous and continuous inner shifts with her help and look forward to what else is coming. Truly, You are amazing. The most raw coach i have ever been able to work with. My inspiration. I hope to embody that as a future coach too. Love love xoxo”.



“Christine, I want to thank you & all the ladies for holding such a beautiful & open space for us to dive in, explore and make these fierce loving shifts. I felt my eyes well up w tears during our little meditation at the start. I really did feel the love and light amongst the 18-19 of us. I definitely want to applaud the ladies who shared tonight. I could relate to feeling the same way at one point or another in my life. Sending everyone tons of love!!!”



“At evening, Christine led us in a powerful exercise that allowed us to go deep within to separate ourselves from past wounds. Let me tell you, she is a Fierce Diosa! She shook our fears and pains to the core and invited the Fierce Diosa within us to come forth and guide us… That powerful weekend, I became clear that I am a Goddess! Therefore, I am making choices in my life that honor Her… I am now clear what types of relationships I want in my life and those I do NOT! I am making healthier choices that honor Her body. I am making decisions that honor Her needs. And more importantly, I am taking actions that honor the Truth about Her. You will hear more about that in my future posts. Thank you, Christine, for creating that space! I love you, Diosa!!”


“On my first phone call with Christine she asked me one question, “What do you know to be true?” I sat on the other end of the phone in silence. I had numbed myself so completely I had no idea what was true in my life. I spent most of my days indoors watching TV in pajamas, trying to block out my reality. I was engaged and in a bad relationship that made me totally lose sight of who I was. I would cry in the shower and was anxious all the time. After talking to Christine I begin to see glimmers of myself coming back. I started questioning my reality and seeing things more clearly. I begin to daydream of a different life that might be possible. A year later (and many phone calls with Christine later) my life has completely changed. I know many things to be true and more importantly I know myself. Christine was loving and direct and helped me grow confidence in myself. Today I am proud to say I am living across the country and in a new relationship that is so full of love it makes me feel grateful everyday. I am living the life I used to daydream about. If you are thinking of talking to Christine I urge you to do it. There is a reason you just happened to stumble upon her website and this is the first step to regaining control of your life and finding your truth <3” - Shea


“Having known Christine for a few years virtually, it was a pleasure to meet this beautiful goddess face to face.  In person in the goddess retreat or virtually working 1-1 with her, she provides a safe place to heal. I came to her a broken soul: abusive ex husband and defiant teen. Last summer the pieces seem to have finally started to come together for me.   With Christine’s help i know all is good now. Love is the only choice. Christine is the kindest gentlest soul whose non judgmental approach makes her easy to talk to which in turn allowed me to tune into my true person. This talent enables her to help people heal their deepest scars.” - Jannae

 Retreats & Courses


“Sisterhood is so vital for women empowerment. One year ago, I embarked on a goddess retreat in Puerto Rico with women from New York to Washington D.C. to Miami. I knew no one and I was honestly very skeptical but I went with my gut. I was searching to heal myself on so many levels. The wonderful thing is that I met women who were searching for the same thing. The days spent in Puerto Rico were not glamorous because healing is not roses and rainbows it’s facing darkness, taking responsibility for your own inner toxicities, and digging deep inside yourself to connect with your soul. This decision ended up being one of the hardest yet best things I needed for my personal evolution. We all cried, laughed, got personal, got creative and healed. This is sisterhood. While on this trip I manifested change, growth, and strength. The connection between these women and I was so strong that once I returned back to Miami my life changed immediately. I began studying Ayurveda (now about to graduate my first year and go to India), changed positions at work, moved locations, and cut off interactions with toxic people in my inner circle who didn’t support, love, or appreciate me. Today on the anniversary of this trip I would like to thank all these woman who played a role in my transition. Thank you to @cosmicchristine for creating these powerful and transformative retreats. Thank you to @nathalie.henrich for being a big sister and guiding me here and being the amazing woman you are. Thank you @migue_luz for being the vibrant, infectious, funny, Latina you are.  Thank you to @_ojosclaroz_  for being my beautiful, strong, epitome of a Colombian goddess @catalinadelpuerto for being mi hermana, una amiga, paisana, y una diosa, @ellabee9 my adorable roommate and one hell of a voice @fine_wine_gal for being a total badass! Teacher, bossbabe, boriqua Mami, @mariammouna vessel of light and source of grace @wellnessdiosa for being strong and resilient @bee_xodiosa my soul sis and heart @biri1989 for showing us how to balance strength between marriage and motherhood. I love you all and grateful for this journey. Diosa Tribe for Life.“ – Carolina