The Worthy Temple

A 3-month holy container reminding you of your divine inherent worth in all areas of your life


This is a sacred portal and container of remembering your true divine Diosa soul Self - who you truly are in your bones- so that you can soar in your life and stand in your full holy power.

And standing in your power means honoring all of you, and all of life.

But when we do so from the soul all of life becomes a ceremony.
The death portal the life portal the rebirth portal

All of life becomes sacred - and not in a cheesy bypassing way but in a - I’m fuckin alive and I get to show up and co-create my life way.

This temple is a space to go beyond the physical and truly return to our hearts and souls and deep remembering of our feminine power and magic. These spaces are portals into our soul’s deep next level unfolding. Reaching into the fertile soul soil, to plant seeds of greatness.

If you have been craving deep activations, ceremonies, being held, tapping into your deep well of self and soul longings this is for you. 


What this 3-month program includes:

  • 1 live 2-hour temple call a month (access to replay if you can’t make it live)

  • Sisterhood container and online community support

  • Private community group chat

  • Additional coaching & support from Christine 

  • All who is registered for Madre Legacy by July 15th will get access to this program for free

Call Schedule:

  • Friday, July 28th, 5-7pm EST

  • Saturday, August 26th, 5-7pm EST

  • Saturday, September 16th, 5-7pm EST

This is a mystical shamanic container where I hold space as the bridge between this world and the spirit world for women to remember their true sacred holy worth and their deep In their bones big desires.


In this 3-month journey, we will travel inward and release the parts of you that are confined by the shoulda in your life, by the spell of unworthiness from social life, and so on and we will get the sacred chisel out to chip away at any calcified outdated programs or blueprints that no longer fit the blossoming holy wild sacred strong diosa that you are. 

This will be: 

  • Part initiation 

  • Part activation 

  • Part sister temple circle

  • Part feminine temple 

  • Part ‘you are worthy’ hype squad 

And ALL love. 

You will be cradled in the presence of the divine mother as we are nurtured in remembering our divine inherent power. 


You see when we gather we are fuckin powerful because we share stories and when we share stories we know we aren’t alone. 


When we make meaning from the mess we trust the flow of life and when we trust the flow of life we learn the dance with the rhythm of our unique soul map. 

This is the way women heal, in community, in the village, in diosahood.

Let’s create magic.Join us here .





3 Monthly

Life is a ceremony. Here in The Worthy Temple, we will remember, gather, create rituals and share heart to heart.




3 Monthly